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Version: 1.x


  • Firestore is a NoSQL database, meaning this package lacks support for schemas and database migrations.

  • It supports only two primary types of relationships: hasOne and hasMany.

  • The primary key value is automatically generated, and customization is not possible. This aligns with Firestore's approach as a document database, where the document name serves as the primary key, which is also the case with this package.

  • Pagination using this package offers only the pagination information without the HTML structure provided by Laravel or Livewire. Therefore, you need to handle the HTML rendering on your own.

  • The package does not support the a lot of features/methods that are available in Laravel Eloquent ORM and Query Builder because Firestore is a document database and does not support a lot these features.

  • The performance of this package is not as good as Laravel Eloquent ORM and Query Builder.