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Version: 2.x

File Uploads


The File Upload provides methods to facilitate the uploading of files to Google Cloud Storage and retrieving their associated URLs and metadata.


Ensure that the necessary environment variables (GOOGLE_CLOUD_STORAGE_BUCKET and GOOGLE_APPLICATION_CREDENTIALS) are set before using these methods.



Uploads a file to Google Cloud Storage.

upload(string $name, $path = 'images')


| Name | Type | Description | | $name | string | The name of the file input field in the HTTP request. | | $path (optional) | string | The path where the file should be stored in Google Cloud Storage. The default path is set to 'images'. |

This method handles the file upload process for Laravel.


  • An object containing the following information:
    • url: The URL of the uploaded file.
    • downloadUrl: The URL used for downloading the file.
    • contentType: The content type of the file.
    • downloadTokens: Download tokens for secure file access.
    • size: The size of the file.
    • updated: The timestamp when the file was last updated.
    • timeCreated: The timestamp when the file was created.
    • bucket: The name of the Google Cloud Storage bucket.
    • etag: The entity tag (ETag) of the file.
    • generation: The generation of the file.
    • nameAndPath: The name and path of the file.


//Controller (FileUploadController.php)
namespace App\Http\Controllers;

use Illuminate\Http\Request;
use Roddy\FirestoreEloquent\FileUpload\FirestoreFileUpload;

class FileUploadController extends Controller
public function showForm()
return view('file-upload-form');

public function uploadFile(Request $request)
// Handle file upload using FirestoreFileUpload::upload method
try {
// Attempt to upload the file from input field named 'fileInputName' to the 'custom/path' in Google Cloud Storage
$uploadResult = FirestoreFileUpload::upload('fileInput', 'custom/path');
// ... (other properties)

// Redirect back to the form with the upload result
return redirect()->route('upload.form')->with(['uploadResult' => $uploadResult]);

} catch (\Exception $e) {
// Handle exceptions, e.g., missing environment variables or invalid file name
return $e->getMessage();


// upload.blade.php
// File Upload Form
<form action="{{ route('upload.file') }}" method="post" enctype="multipart/form-data">
<label for="fileInput">Choose a file:</label>
<input type="file" name="fileInput" id="fileInput" accept="image/*">
<button type="submit">Upload File</button>

// preview.blade.php
//Display the uploaded file (if any)
<h2>Uploaded File:</h2>
<img src="{{ $uploadResult->url }}" alt="Uploaded File">
<p>File Size: {{ $uploadResult->size }} bytes</p>
<p>File Type: {{ $uploadResult->contentType }}</p>
//Add more details as needed

//Routes (web.php)
use App\Http\Controllers\FileUploadController;

Route::get('/upload-form', [FileUploadController::class, 'showForm'])->name('upload.form');
Route::post('/upload-file', [FileUploadController::class, 'uploadFile'])->name('upload.file');


Exception handling is implemented to provide meaningful error messages in case of issues during the file upload process.

This example assumes you have a controller method (uploadFile) to handle the file upload logic using the FirestoreFileUpload class. Adjust the routes and controller methods based on your application structure.


This method handles the file upload process for Livewire.

uploadLivewire(object $file, $path = 'images')


| Name | Type | Description | | $file | object | The object containing the file input field in the HTTP request. | | $path (optional) | string | The path where the file should be stored in Google Cloud Storage. The default path is set to 'images'. |

This method handles the file upload process for Laravel.


  • An object containing the following information:
    • url: The URL of the uploaded file.
    • downloadUrl: The URL used for downloading the file.
    • contentType: The content type of the file.
    • downloadTokens: Download tokens for secure file access.
    • size: The size of the file.
    • updated: The timestamp when the file was last updated.
    • timeCreated: The timestamp when the file was created.
    • bucket: The name of the Google Cloud Storage bucket.
    • etag: The entity tag (ETag) of the file.
    • generation: The generation of the file.
    • nameAndPath: The name and path of the file.


//Controller (FileUploadController.php)
namespace App\Http\Controllers;

use Livewire\Component;
use Illuminate\Http\Request;
use Roddy\FirestoreEloquent\FileUpload\FirestoreFileUpload;

class FileUpload extends Component
public $photo;

public function render()
return view('file-upload-form');

public function uploadFile(Request $request)
// Handle file upload using FirestoreFileUpload::upload method
try {
// Attempt to upload the file from input field named 'fileInputName' to the 'custom/path' in Google Cloud Storage
$uploadResult = FirestoreFileUpload::uploadLivewire($this->photo, 'custom/path');
$uploadResult = null;
// ... (other properties)

// Redirect back to the form with the upload result
return redirect()->route('upload.form');

} catch (\Exception $e) {
// Handle exceptions, e.g., missing environment variables or invalid file name
return $e->getMessage();


// upload.blade.php
// File Upload Form
<form wire:submit='uploadFile'>
<label for="fileInput">Choose a file:</label>
<input type="file" wire:model.blur='photo' accept="image/*">
<button type="submit">Upload File</button>

This example assumes you have a controller method (uploadFile) to handle the file upload logic using the FirestoreFileUpload class. Adjust the routes and controller methods based on your application structure.


Ensure that the necessary environment variables (GOOGLE_CLOUD_STORAGE_BUCKET and GOOGLE_APPLICATION_CREDENTIALS) are set before using these methods.